venerdì 23 novembre 2007

What is the Sport NLP Programme?

Most people now realise that to be successful in sport you need to be good with people, a great communicator, and have a good understanding about psychology in sport

Unfortunately most people don't have the time to spend years studying therefore this programme is an accelerated approach to gaining the essential skills required to work effectively and get the most out of themselves and their athletes

It's grounded in the principles of NLP, and has a specific focus on maximising personal and professional performance for working in sport in the 21st century. We also include techniques from contemporary Sport Psychology, providing a practical, balanced and experiential approach to the Mental Game.

Our aim is to provide a course that works to professionalise coaching, and add the professional development aspects that traditional coaching and technical courses don't always deliver
"This course is totally amazing, really enlightening and thoroughly recommended"

James Hollman, GK Coach, NCFC
Who is it for?

- Anyone involved with sports coaching, development or personal training, and wants to enhance their coaching potential.

- Individuals looking for quality, recognised CPD courses, to enhance their personal and professional careers

- Attendees range from professional coaches, training full time Olympic Athletes and Professionals, to part time club coaches and personal trainers. We also have physio's, sport psychologists, parents/youth sport organisers, managers, business professionals looking for the competitive edge and support staff across the board. If you are involved in sport, at whatever level, then we guarantee this is something you should seriously consider.... after all, sport isn't about being second best, it's about doing what ever it takes to get to the level that right for you!

"This NLP course was one of the most significant learnings for me within all my formal education. The content and structure was excellent and I struggle to understand wny it is not a core component of all coaching courses"

Dr Adam Carey, Nutritionist"

Why choose the Inside Performance Sport NLP Course?

Our trainers are Sport Specialists, all current or ex sports people, BASES accredited Sport Psychologists, Clinical Hypnotherapists and NLP Master Practitioner and Trainers. They bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and credibility to the field of Sport NLP, having worked with althletes and players: grassroots; professionals and Olympians for the last 13 years.

These programmes are nationally recognised as being of the highest standard, and as such, we are the official trainers for UK Sport, training some of the UK's best Coaches, Performance Directors and Managers to use these techniques for Beijing 2008, London 2012 and beyond...... oh, and there's a lot of fun, laughter and enjoyment on offer too!

"This course was a journey I had to be prepared to take and it has helped me feel more confident and prepared with the necessary skills to make a difference"

Professional Sport Psychologist
What will you learn?

A wide range of practical and effective techniques and skills, including:

- How to communicate effectively, and enhance your ability to coach, train, manage and succeed

- How to improve goal setting and to motivate teams and individuals

- How to understand and 'unlock' problems faced by your athletes

- How to create states of Confidence, Composure and Concentration

- How to deal with doubts, worries and negative emotions that get in the way of performing at our peak

- How to achieve sustained results over time

- How to use imagery, relaxation and 'The Zone' states a whole load more......

"This course brings immediate benefits. The learning can be applied now and the elite players I coach are already benefiting. It's a powerful learning experience and great fun! - Like sport itself, it is exhilarating, very challenging, and a very worthwhile investment of time and energy - I am also finding the skills are powerful in my work with high performance business teams."

Paul O'Kelly, Gaelic Football Coach and Partner - O'KellySutton-Gazelles (Strategic Planning and Fast Growth Business Consultants.
How is it structured?

This course is a 9 day programme, delivered in 3 X 3 day blocks. Because we offer you full certification at NLP practitioner level, plus additional sport psychology applications, plus plenty of Q & A and practice time, we know it's important that these things are given the respect and attention they deserve. We've also included certification training in both Time Line Techniques and Hypnosis for Sport as we have been realising for a while that these techniques are being used to greater and greater effect with the athletes we train. This means that not only do you get a quality, organised and thorough programme, we also split the course up, giving you the opportunity to learn and practice over a period of time, rather than rushing everything through at once!

Next programmes start April and Oct 2008

For more detailed information on this programme, including prices and venue, click here, fill out your contact details, tell us you would like information on the Sport NLP Programme and we'll send you everything you need!

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  • PNL
  • per diventare padroni dei segreti di una straordinaria disciplina (la Programmazione Neuro Linguistica) che ti darà una nuova percezione della realtà per raggiungere obiettivi e risultati straordinari.
  • autostima
  • una esperienza davvero entusiasmante per riuscire finalmente a migliorare le aree più importanti della propria vita.
  • memoria
  • tutte metodologie di apprendimento e le tecniche di memorizzazione e lettura veloce, per rendere facile, piacevole e divertente ogni forma di studio e aggiornamento.
  • problem solving
  • imparare a sviluppare la capacità di prendere decisioni, superando limiti e paure.
  • Comunicazione Efficace
  • conoscere a fondo cosa vuol dire comunicare e come far arrivare il proprio messaggio in modo chiaro senza fraintendimenti o incomprensioni.
  • Comunicazione Persuasiva
  • diventare un vero e proprio esperto della comunicazione: scoprire cosa motiva le persone ad agire e cosa invece le blocca per avere maggiori risultati con i propri interlocutori, colleghi, figli, familiari, amici, etc.
  • Gestione del tempo
  • essere in grado di pianificare i propri impegni in modo rapido ed efficace per ottenere, così, maggiori risultati con meno stress e risparmiando tempo.
  • atteggiamento mentale
  • installare l’atteggiamento “giusto” in ogni ambito della propria vita per sfruttare al meglio le risorse a disposizione.
  • Linguaggio del corpo
  • comprendere ciò che il proprio interlocutore dice “al di la delle parole” per intraprendere nei suoi confronti una comunicazione il più possibile precisa e mirata.
  • Analisi transazionale
  • essere in grado di analizzare i tre stati dell’io (io adulto, io genitore, io bambino) per studiare le strategie comunicative e lo scambio che intercorre tra individui che comunicano.
  • Public speaking
  • comunicare con due o più persone, trasmettendo concetti ed emozioni in modo chiaro e preciso, gestendo al meglio la paura e aumentando la fiducia in se stessi.
  • gestione degli obiettivi
  • padroneggia i metodi per diventare forte, volitivo e tenace ed ottenere tutti i risultati e gli obiettivi che vuoi.
  • Leadership
  • per prendere in mano le redini della propria vita e diventare davvero leader di se stessi e d altri. Far proprie le caratteristiche e le capacità di un leader per scoprire ed analizzare i propri punti di forza e le aree di miglioramento e imparare, così, ad esprimere in ogni situazione il leader che è dentro di sè.
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